“Work so that all your actions are worthy of imitation.”
Rudolf Stenier
Sunday 21st April 2024 saw us celebrating 70 years since Glencraig was established in our beautiful corner of Co. Down, as well as celebrating the formation of Camphill across the whole of Ireland.
We were really blessed with the weather and it was great seeing people connect. There was a lot of joy, a lot of celebration and giving thanks!

Our chief executive officer, Paul Betts, gave a speech noting that the day was about the coming together of individuals, of families, of communities, of different nationalities to celebrate what Camphill is and what Glencraig has been – a place where people live, work and learn together:
“When I talk to the families of our residents and attendees they say that places like Camphill and Glencraig have been life transforming in that it has helped to give their loved ones a sense of purpose, to feel part of a community and it allows people to live, learn and work together, as well as offering respite, safety and assurance to parents.”
Paul Betts, Chief Executive Officer

There were recitals from bell ringers, classical guitarists Hüseyin Bilen and Shane Farren, and finally the Belfast Community Gospel Choir which brought a joyful energy to the day! Some of the residents and staff then delighted the crowd with their circus skills.

And of course there was a big 70th anniversary cake to enjoy!

You can read about the history of Camphill by clicking this link here.
Also a big thank you to North Down Marquee, St John’s Ambulance, Bethany Gorman for the video and, of course, our whole team for their hard work and dedication to the community.
Here’s to another 70 years!